Which bank to choose for a business account?

Whether online or mobile banks, a good number are now on the market. Especially for business accounts, it is crucial to choose the right bank. So how to choose the best bank, optimize your choice and meet your needs?

Mobile banks, ideal for SMEs

Despite the multitude of offers available, we can sort these banks out by considering the main criterion of innovation. Thus, give preference to neobanks designed for businesses and the self-employed. They offer professional accounts ideal for the self-employed, new businesses. In addition, 75,000 companies have already joined them. Regardless of the size of the company, this type of bank makes it easy to open an account for professionals. It promotes transparency, speed and efficiency in the processing of files. This type of bank for professionals also takes in hand the account of SMEs, VSEs and especially new businesses, whether to create a new one or to change from a traditional account to a neo-banking type account. To optimize your choice, it is advisable to use a comparison of banks for professionals and companies.

The proximity of neobanks to freelancers

As far as freelancers are concerned, the possession of a bank account is an essential condition for payment. Indeed, more than 50,000 freelancers and small businesses are registered every year. These banks have provided a simple use with features that take the minimum of time. Moreover, their prices are within the norms and simple, in addition to their ability to open an account in a very short time (in less than 5 minutes) and remotely. Their way of doing things makes the protection of their customer more effective, with unlimited history with warning messages in case of phishing on malicious sites. There are also time-free notification messages, cap editing and high security for risky transactions, including blocking and unblocking your account and changing your cap within a minute. Other options are available, but with additional costs such as mobile insurance, extended warranty on your equipment, as well as hospitalization insurance and legal assistance.

Banks, at the heart of finance

For large companies, multinationals, associations, and independent individuals, the possession of a professional account is mandatory in the fight against money laundering. Thus, banks propose offers to their customers so that they can manage their finances efficiently without legal risks. Among all these offers, there is the IBAN Local made for the French or also Belgian IBANs or the professional accounts for the companies like the Limited Liability Companies (LLC), the Single Owner Limited Liability Companies (EURL) or the associations. Basically, the evolution of the technology is making the mobile bank very useful even when it is a question of professional bank, this type of bank is now necessary!

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